Special Library Events

In this page, I will share ideas and activities you can do within your school, with children or with classes to celebrate events like Book Week, Library month, Book Fairs.  Some activities are school wide, some are just lunchtime activities, some things can be done as a class, or as a syndicate.  Anything is possible.

Photo competition

Oh Oh the Places we Read!
In 2011 we had a photo competition as part of our annual Book Festival.  The children and staff were challenged to take (or edit) pictures of themselves, reading books in the weirdest places. We couldn't pick just one winner at the end, we had prizes for the wettest reader, the yuckiest reader, the naughtiest, the bravest, etc...  

Needless to say we had mountains of fun:


Make your own Bookmark!

I have made it tradition in our school to create bookmarks as a library lunchtime activity every year during our Book Festival.  The most popular so far have been our horse tail bookmarks.  I was sitting at the GP's office about two years after I organised this in our library and spotted a horse tail bookmark on her wall, given to her by a child from our school!  Isn't that fantastic?

To prepare for this activity I drew my own template, cut 3 holes for the tail in each bookmark and cut pieces of wool (in different colours) in advance.  I had librarians set up in stations: the template station, the wool station, and the tail station (for anyone who needed help with tying the tail together).  

I took a photo of the instructions, it is easy as ever, just make sure you have plenty of templates and wool ready as this will be a guaranteed hit! 



  1. loved looking at these creative photos, what a great effort. I will be sharing them with our students.

  2. Thanks very much for your lovely comment Lynda. We had great fun with this competition! Recommended to anyone!

    What an interesting profile picture you have! Don't hesitate to share your overdue procedures with us ;)


  3. would you mind if I made a link to your pictures from our blog?

  4. Feel free Lynda, I wouldn't mind at all!
